Novi Sad, capital of Vojvodina. Perhaps the most beautiful city in Serbia. Surely one of the biggest surprises I've been traveling in the Balkans. A must-see site in this Slavic country.

This city is located in the north of the country, is a historical region called "Vojvodina". This region is very special and different from the rest of the country, as it has more than 20 significant communities from different ethnic groups and also has 6 official languages ​​(Serbian, Hungarian, Romanian, Croatian, Slovak, and Ruthenian). Obviously, this has influenced and influenced their culture and heritage.

It is a perfect excursion from Belgrade and one day can be enough to get to know the most important city. There are direct trains and buses every half hour from Belgrade station.

So, early in the morning, we took the direct train to Novi Sad and got there in just two hours, traveling very comfortable.

It is true that the station is a bit far from the center, but once we get there we were very impressed with how nice and clean everything is. Quite the opposite of Belgrade.

Our hotel was located in the main square, where there is the City Council and from there we can enjoy and walk around the surrounding streets.

We did the check-in at the hotel and attended the presentation of the event, which was the reason for the trip.

 I would recommend our hotel, the "Putnik Hotel". In addition to being comfortable and downtown, they helped me solve a problem I had.

After the meeting and presentation, we met colleagues, mostly from Serbia and Montenegro. Our new friends and we continue to get to know the city and cross the bridge to Fortress.

From there we saw the sunset.

We went back to the hotel for dinner and sometime later we went out for a drink ... several times. 😅😂🍻🍻🍻

I have to say that Novi Sad night was one of the biggest surprises in the Balkans. Amazing the level of the party and offer in the city, even in the center.

In the same street, you can find a Bar with Latin music, opposite a Punk Rock Pub and next to it a Turbofolk disco pub ("special" Balkan musical style that deserves a special mention). 😉

It is true that you can visit the city one day, but, I had to spend four days in the city and every day I had at least two hours to walk and visit and I didn't feel bored. 

Novi Sad is awesome and you cannot miss the opportunity to walk around the streets, have a party and talk to the people.

Before finishing, I don't want to forget to say that in Novi Sad there is a large music festival and a landmark in the Balkans.

"EXIT Festival" is held in July in the Fortress of Petrovaradin, and features international groups of different musical styles from alternative rock to electronic music.

Our experience in Novi Sad was VERY good and I enjoyed the city so much that I would love to come back. 100% recommendation

"Hvala Puno", Thank you very much Novi Sad! Thank you very much, Serbia! A complete surprise of cities, country, and people.


Galician Version


Novi Sad, capital da Voivodina. Quizáis a cidade máis bonita de Serbia. Seguramente unha das maiores sorpresas que levei viaxando nos Balcáns. Un sitio imprescindible a visitar neste país eslavo. 

Esta cidade sitúase no norte do país, nunha rexión histórica chamada "Voivodina". Esta rexión é ben especial e diferente ao resto do país, xa que conta con máis de 20 comunidades significativas de distintos grupos étnicos e tamén conta con 6 linguas oficiais (serbio, húngaro, romanés, croata, eslovaco e ruteno). Obviamente isto influíu e inflúe na súa cultura e patrimonio.

É unha escapada perfecta dende Belgrado e cun día pode ser suficiente para coñecer o máis importante da cidade. Hai trenes e buses directos cada media hora desde a estación de Belgrado.

E así foi, ben cedo á mañá, collimos o tren directo a Novi Sad e chegamos alí en apenas dúas horas, viaxando moi cómodos.

É certo que a estación fica un pouco lonxe do centro, pero unha vez chegamos alí flipamos co bonito e limpo que está todo.
Totalmente o contrario de Belgrado.

O noso hotel ubicabase na praza principal, onde temos o Concello da cidade e dende alí podemos desfrutar e pasear polas rúas comerciais colindantes.

Fixemos o check-in no hotel e asistimos á presentación do evento, o cal foi a razón da viaxe. 

Quero recomendarvos o noso hotel, O "Hotel Putnik". Ademais de ser cómodo e céntrico, axudáronme a resolver un problema que tiven.

Despois da reunión e presentación, coñecimos aos compañeiros, a súa maioría de Serbia e Montenegro. Varios dos nosos novos amigos e nós seguimos coñecendo a cidade e cruzamos a ponte ate a Forteza. 

Dende alí vimos a posta de sol.

Voltamos ao hotel para cear e tempo despois saímos a tomar algo... varias veces. 😅😂🍻🍻🍻

Teño que dicir que a noite de Novi Sad foi unha das maiores sorpresas dos Balcáns. Incrível o nivel de festa e de oferta na cidade, mesmo no centro.

Na mesma rúa podemos atopar un Bar con música latina, enfrente un Punk Rock Pub e ao carón unha disco Turbofolk (estilo musical "especial" dos Balcáns que merece unha mención aparte). 😉

É verdade que a cidade podémola ver nun día, pero, eu tiven que pasar catro días na cidade e tódolos días tiña polo menos dúas horas para pasear e visitar e non quedei canso de desfrutar da cidade.

Novi Sad é unha delicia, non deixedes de pasear polas rúas, saír de festa e falar coa xente.

Antes de acabar non quería esquecer que en Novi Sad celébrase un festival de música de gran tamaño e referente na península dos Balcáns. 

"EXIT Festival" celébrase no mes de xullo na Forteza de Petrovaradin e conta con grupos internacionais de diferentes estilos musicais dende o Rock alternativo ate música electrónica.

A nosa experiencia en Novi Sad foi MOI boa e gostei tanto da cidade que gostaría de voltar. Recomendación 100%

"Hvala puno", Moitas grazas Novi Sad, Moitas grazas Serbia. Toda unha sorpresa de cidades, de país e de xente! 



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